Sometimes a website needs some assistance in generating interest and traffic numbers. This can often be done with a good search engine optimisation strategy to display links from the major search engines for important keywords. Another way to do this is in the form of a social media campaign.
Social media campaigns use popular online social networking tools to garner interest and generate links to a website or other call to action. Firstly profiles and pages are built on the most popular social media websites such as Facebook, Pinterest and Google Plus. Links are placed on these pages to relevant content, offers, competitions and other traffic generating content and once people start connecting with these pages and ‘liking’ the content on offer, other people can see this and the network starts to grow and provide a stream of traffic to your website, blog or business.
If you would like help you get your social media campaign up and running then why not drop a line using the contact form. A timeframe of three months is needed to get things going. After this time a report and a summary of log-in details is handed over to the client and they can take it from there (or continue with AdvanceDesign).
Case Study
Case Study – social network was created and now consists of over 4,500 Facebook followers.
Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn and other social networks were also joined.
If you would like to find out more then drop a line.